Saturday, October 11, 2014

Rain Rain Go Away

In Texas, rain brings with it all the promise of a comfortable, fun time outside. It cools the air (a rare delicacy). It washes the dust and dirt of Texas summer out of the sky. As a kid, it brings a chance to play in the sprinklers without having to talk your parents into turning the sprinklers on. It leaves puddles and mud - both of which are primed for some good playtime. Perhaps there's even a free drink to be had.

Rain was slated to begin Thursday evening earlier this week, and it was supposed to really kick into gear Friday night. I was very much looking forward to splashing in some puddles getting the lawn watered for free. And then I felt it. Mostly just a stiff feeling at first. It happened while I was sleeping Thursday night. No matter how I slept, my shoulder was tight and a little painful. Friday was the same. Then Friday night, my shoulder was throbbing. I hadn't banged or bruised it; I hadn't overextended or overused it. No - apparently I'm just at that point in my life where the change in barometric pressure makes my shoulder hurt.

Rain? It used to be so much fun when it was a traveling waterpark in the sky; now it's just a portent of inexplicable joint pain. I miss being a kid. 


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